Workshop 1: DER Interconnection and Integration Standards
DAY 1: Wednesday, 16 October, 16:00-17:30, Cartier I
This tutorial will cover an overview of the IEEE 1547 Series of Standards, including new interconnection requirements from IEEE 1547, Test procedures from IEEE P1547.1 and integration guidelines from other standards including IEEE P1547.2 (Application Guide), IEEE Std 2030.2 and IEEE P1547.9 (Energy Storage) and IEEE Std 2030.7. The discussion will include material on integration and verification.
Mark Siira (ComRent) , Michael Ropp (Northern Plains Power), Geza Joos (McGill University)
- DER – definition, history, deployment and justification for the standards (M. Siira)
- Interconnection rules and requirements – evolution, needs and description (M. Ropp)
- Voltage and frequency ride-through – needs and implementation (M. Ropp)
- DER aggregation and islanding – microgrids and DERMS (G. Joos)
- Interoperability, verification and testing – requirements (M. Siira)
- Integration issues – standards and regulatory requirements (M. Siira)
Workshop 2: Smart Grid Interoperability & Cyber Security Standards
DAY 2: Thursday, 17 October, 16:00-17:30, Cartier I
This tutorial will provide an overview of IEEE 2030 Smart Grid Interoperability Reference Model, how it is used and how it is evolving. We will touch on the increasingly prevalent issue of Cyber Security. We will provide an overview of Cyber Security and how it is being deployed in various domains of the electric power System.
Mark Siira (ComRent) , Michael Ropp (Northern Plains Power), Candace Suh-Lee (EPRI)
- Smart grid – definition, history and justification for the guide (M. Siira)
- Interoperability – definition, needs, perspectives and applications (M. Siira)
- Reference models – link between power, communications and information technologies (M. Siira)
- Cybersecurity – threat description, analysis and countermeasures (C. Suh-Lee)
- Application of the guide to power systems – frequency regulation (M. Ropp)
Mark Siira
Workshop Coordinator, EPEC 2019
ComRent, USA
Biography: Mark Siira is the director of Utility Compliance and Solutions for ComRent International, a leader in load testing solutions for utility-scale systems. Mark is the Chair of IEEE SCC 21. In this role, he leads the development of all interconnection and interoperability standards for photovoltaics, dispersed generation, and energy storage. He is vicechair for IEEE P1547 Revision and also a member of the UL Standards Technical Panels 1741 (inverters), UL2200 (generators) and 6171 (wind farms interconnection). Mark has a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from GMI Engineering and Management Institute (now Kettering University) and an MBA from Harvard University.